Thursday, September 15, 2016

Success Mantra

what is success ?   

Success is not a short term process , it is long term process which require  your 
Hard work 
Continues effort 
Dedication . 
There are so many people around us who want to become succeed in short time but there is no alternate of success and hard work .if you get success in short time then it will require your passion which is not possible for them .so my this blog for the people who are trying to achieve their goals and want to become a successful person .

what people think about success ? 

people generally thinks that success is so long term process and there is possibility  of failure too 50 % of people just declined it by think like this and other 25 % want to make any short cut way for  becoming successful . for those people , i only want to say that be passionate in your work , one day you will sure get it . other 25% people in the world  are continuing their work either they get the success or not but it is worthless unless you have not fixed your Goals.

how to get it ?

  Be straight that i want to do this particular thing , then fix your Goal .after fixing your Goal take several assumptions and take some time interval in your goals that this particular thing should be done in this particular time period .it is called planning .after it Analyze your work with the time .The benefit of analyzing is only that you will get to know that what to do ? and what to not ?

After analyzing divide your work into a task that you have to complete it no matters what the harder situation is .it is called dedication .but the most important factor is passion .you have to be passionate about your work .success is required not only passion but the continues effort too.if u get it and you stop your effort then it is worthless .

if u get failure then don't be silly, just analyze your work and find out the errors and Re-plan  whole the work but never give up ,at least you are trying to achieve it rather than give up  .keep going on your work one day you will sure get it .

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