Thursday, January 7, 2016

Respect Mother

" Behind Every successful person there is An Important Role of Woman " it means by Mothers ,wife,sisters , etc. It is really True that without their help , person Can't do  anything In Life .After So many Effors the Mother Give birth to child and takes care of her child and make child educated.she wsnt to see happy her child and she protect child from her Problems.

Mother is Blessing from God and most Important part of life of child .she cook good for child and she eat whatever she had. Now a days People don't care about their mothers and they getting irritate from mothers .

Every wife want to see her mother happy but never want to see her mother in law face.because of only bullshit idea that was  ," she didn't give me birth ".stop being irritate , go to your past and remember the memories You have .you will get idea about your mother that how her life getting finish behind you.

And replace Your mother with yourself you can't do like that she did for you . Respect Mothers and Give her Tons of Happiness. Because if you are live today , that is only her blessing .

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