Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Be Unique and Make A brand 'YOU'

Unique is Word that Every people want to do.But Instead Of Being Unique ,We have to be Universe by means of showing Personality,showing Eagerness ,etc.Some people Mimicking from ohers .Mimicking by means of buying same ,doing same thing.For Being Brand ,Being Honest and Authentic is also Inevitable.

Do your Own ,never get jellies from Other people and be your self in Any circumstances.Life is not easy , Learn from the past and Apply that learning in your future.Never want to be someone else ,Be your self and trying to Improve it in any Condition.

If each stage if life,People are judging you and your ability .Some people Encourage you to do the work and others are Finding problems in you.For being Brand , never concentrate in that " WHAT PEOPLE THINK ABOUT ME?"

Always Learn from the Mistakes and not to be Nervous if You will get Failure in Something.Try to Improve it by Doing Hard work .We All Have Mental and physical strength to Solve any Problems But Proper Use if It s depends On Us .Follow this Things and try to Work Hard definitely ,You will be Brand .

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Be positive and Never Give up

Life is not easier it is so complex day by day with problem .Life is task and You have to prove that You are the player of Life by complete it.to Get Achievement so many effort we have to do and then we will get Success.There are so many Good And worst people met in our path of success but we have to cooperate and pass it away.

Success is the thing that we can't get easily we have to do hard work and put our all efforts we can do.Good people help us without any ambition they want to see us happy and help us by means of money ,work ,etc.but after that we have to do if we don't then there is no difference between Human and animal.

Human run their brains and think deep for success and own it their position but animals fight and Bereaved the position and others too.So worst people is like animal they are just pond scum they can't do anything in their life they only bereaved.They are behaving lije friends but after know all facts about us they turn to our enemy.

Life is all about second chace but be honest and good people for everyone becuase God test Good people first and always help them in good manner and with Wrost people always wrost manner.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Perfect Leader : Barack Obama

Leader means not by name only but he have a potential to do work in any condition and not matter what of cost.Leader represents Whole country and people have a trust on him.I so much appreciate grom him and his work. it is very difficult to control whole country, spending time for family and Defending too.            

Mr.Barack Obama Have a All the characteristic mentioned above.So he is Favorite Leader of All People .His work and Contribution towards country is Awesome .Noone leader can do work like him.He inspired people by Doing Work .He is Not Leader By Name only but he knows from the work he Done.

Mr.President Help People in flood , motivates students,held summit for change in environment and set a peace for south  Asian country .And Must Appreciated work is Find Bin Laden and Killed Him In Pakistan.Mr.President is One of must Progressive leader in American Pleaders History.He And His Wife also Help Dumb Childs by means of Charity.

"After Death , Man Didn't know by His Name But from His Work. "

Friday, January 8, 2016

Inspiration from Nature....

In Whole World There Are so Many Things to do But Sometimes We need Help in Terms Of Money ,Work And Positive Support from Everyone.There Are So many Things That People Can't Do every  timeso  We need Inspiration From People And as well As Nature too..

" Every Good Thing First be Jock,after understanding It's qualtive Idea and it put in Consideration. " Remember Upper Quote In Your life And Do Work Without Thinking Result. Nature is best example of Getting Inspiration.

Sun ,Birds ,Animals Give Us Inspiration By doing Their Work regularly.When we Can't get water directly then we have to carry it from well in ground .It's Rope is best example of Hard work.Rope is Smooth in starting but it be rigid and rough after getting used .

If We think that This work is so Hard for me and I can't Do it for those Rope is Best Example.For every  problem we have to start from it's Basic and We will solve it by Hard Work Only. Nature gives us inspiration best than Anyone .so Be Prepared and Do Hard Work with Positive Thinking.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Respect Mother

" Behind Every successful person there is An Important Role of Woman " it means by Mothers ,wife,sisters , etc. It is really True that without their help , person Can't do  anything In Life .After So many Effors the Mother Give birth to child and takes care of her child and make child educated.she wsnt to see happy her child and she protect child from her Problems.

Mother is Blessing from God and most Important part of life of child .she cook good for child and she eat whatever she had. Now a days People don't care about their mothers and they getting irritate from mothers .

Every wife want to see her mother happy but never want to see her mother in law face.because of only bullshit idea that was  ," she didn't give me birth ".stop being irritate , go to your past and remember the memories You have .you will get idea about your mother that how her life getting finish behind you.

And replace Your mother with yourself you can't do like that she did for you . Respect Mothers and Give her Tons of Happiness. Because if you are live today , that is only her blessing .

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Progress Resistance : Poverty And Uneducated People

Education is Most Important Word for People Now a Days.Every country Not Known by their Infrastructure but it Known by How Much People Educated per  Area of Country . And second parameter is Their Per head Income.So Education is Important word that represents Your personality And Country's Progress too.

Education means by Learning of Field as well as Human Quality. If You are Graduated but You Don't Know the Word Human and it's worthless. Education is the study where You can do Communication Between Educated people As well as u Will Make educated to Dumb man too.

Today Bigger Issue is Poverty and Uneducated People that resist progress of Country. people want to live life like King and they want their Family Happy but they don't even see the people that they can't even get education . Social Work Is need for Country progress and it gives You happiness . make Uneducated people to Educated is Long Process And It will Require your passion.

My this Article is about Education is for those  Poor people that they can.t get enough Education.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Life Of An Engineer

An Engineer Have Extreme Ability to Solve Any Problem With Extreme Creative Thinking.Engineering is All about Study of your field of Intrest.No One Knows That How Engineer Explain His Life.Only He knows That Learn 40 subjects in 4,year with practical and Submit assignment on time with Load of college works.

Engineering is all about Study Of Full year study or Last Night Readers.So many People Are studies in Night before the exams.In engineering It Doesn't mean that when u only Pass out But you have A creation and  technical Knowledge with positive Attitude.All Above stuffs that Engineer makes.

An Engineer Is Able to solve Any Problem With Their By applying their basic concepts and use it to solve the any problem.communication system , chemicals ,machines ,Robots are Made by Engineers.so Engineering is important As well as Medical science.Without Engineers World is Nothing .

So Believe in engineers and Live Your life.This article Is dedicated to All Engineers Around the world .

Saturday, January 2, 2016

WAR ..Profit Or Loss?

War Is the Word that AnyBody  Don't wants to heard because There is Only loss In War If tou are Win then You Are in Loss by Economy, currency ,Socially,Loss of Soldier's life..so there are so Many Parameters that affect whole country's Balance.

Today Whole World Can see the bigger Issue The Name "WAR". rhis One word Name is Loss of Millions and Billions Dollars and Lifes too.To set the Peace in World The Organization Called "United Nations"  is Working .It simply Talk with Country on the topic and Main Reason Behind For War and Solve it On Certain Parameters.

There were two World war Done in Past and Thousand Of people Died in it.And Today Whole world is in Competition To make Atomic Bomb And Want to be Witto-Power Country.But They Didn't know what thry are making Is Dangerous for Mankind .Whole world Becomes Greedy and selfish.And I am Pretty Sure that In Future if There will War Atomic Weapons May Be Use.Whole World Have To Understand The Meaning Of Life And Set the peace That never will Broken.When We Forget thinking About Mankind At that Time difference Between Man And Animal Doesn't Mean and We Not called Human.

Set Peace , Be Human ,Let the world , "War" Free.