Monday, December 5, 2016

Easy Routine for Succesive Life

For the Healthy and Fit life ,Healthy Routine is necessary and it is based on the people or any individual that How seriously they follow it and construct it with update too.making a routine is not an easy task ,it depends on the age of individual too. As age Passes the capacity of individual to stay with routine is also getting Down .Routine of  children are staying between Education and Gaming , the middle age lying between Education and spending time for they loves one, young people routine staying between work and Family life .Even retired people  lying with Their Family and Praying and there are so many things to Do for them .
Every person is flexible with their routine and obviously it is good sign for the good life because it is better to earn after something we Learn.Routine must be a dynamic that every one want to adopt it in their life but slight modification also made in it so individual should not be bored with it.Routine is also dependent of the life period from which the individual is going through.For healthy routine Adopt some tips from the Internet or Individual and after modifying with your age you put it in your life.Routine of a Student is must need modification few days Before Exam, After Exam and During  School timing .
Routine is not mean to your daily professional Activities but how much you are dedicated to other activities too. There is refreshment like holidays,chilling also needed from busiest routine.i personally when feel that i am getting tired and bored then i preferred to read  some books, watching Documentaries and playing in a Park.
Well, Routine does not mean that You must do it but it develop a sense of your daily activities and provide some discipline in people. Having a Best Routine absolutely help you in your Long term goals and will give you a Excessive Success .

Friday, December 2, 2016

Are You B.E.? What Now?

There are so many people that are confused About their Carrier that What to do Or What to Not ? So let us make Easy for them .Some people want to go for a job after their Graduation but Others Are Still Confused Or Not Sure That What to do ? For them All you know that what is my Interesting Subject and In Which Field i m a Genius and Second Thing Your Interest Of Era.

You Have to Analyze this Both the Things And Then Think That How Much My Father Spend in my B.E.? Predicting Whether you are getting admission in  Best College Or Not ? What is My Annual Expenses For that Courses ? After Completing that Course i m Damn Sure That i will have a good job ? if You are a quite intelligent and having a good experience then you definitely go for it .there is also some people who have a business and they will go for it .

But if someone Don't Want to go for M.e/M.S then there are so many courses available for them in their field and a guy who have done M.E/M.S is equal to that person who had done a specialty course but knowledge of that field and interest is highly required to complete speciality courses because with out incompelete knowlwdge , go for a special courses is totally insane . this courses are so relaible that if someone want to do job and want to do speciality courses then they are easily do it and achieve their both the goals.

 As per example : A Fresh B.E/B.S chemical engineer suppose don't want to do M.E/M.S so he have so many ways like safety engineer that every chemical industry require .environmental engineer that is also every industry highly appreciate .so there are number of courses that people are able to do .

Explore your world .world is not only depend on Facebook and you tube but that are so many benefits of internet that someone is able to do anything extra ordinary if he want.

Time Management

Time is Obviously having More Important value  because All the things that depend on whether things   are going to complete or Not ? All are having Goals that must be accomplish during Some Time Span or Period. World and People both are working according to time and the study that is proportional with time management is Called "Chronoemics". with out important of time the things are not complete effectively and sometimes laziness is also takes place that  become things more complicated and Goals are Not achieve without proper time management .

so many people are having different uses of time .For businessmen every second is  valuable  same for workers on Job .In Student life , Effective Time Management giving Successive Result and Good Habit too.all the things are more important but we have to focus at particular thing in particular time.we do not mix the personal life and professional life otherwise it becomes more difficult .but in this case , Effective time management can helps you. how much you are a busy in your life but  at last give sometime to your family, Friends and relatives, take tittle bit time from busy schedule and Go for a vacation, help poor and enjoy with your kids.

Money is not only the important thing and it will never give you a happiness so don't run after earning money and do the things in limited time and use every single minutes of your time and make your life beautiful and happy.For a normal working person it is convenient to  Do exercise and yoga to become healthy so no diseases can be found and it will provide you a long life.For all the people it is very useful and stress free if you read such articles or book like Novel., biography,stories .for a student time is main important thing make sure that i have to remember all the topics within some hours then in some hours playing and after it revising studies and that kind of management will give advantage. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Success Mantra

what is success ?   

Success is not a short term process , it is long term process which require  your 
Hard work 
Continues effort 
Dedication . 
There are so many people around us who want to become succeed in short time but there is no alternate of success and hard work .if you get success in short time then it will require your passion which is not possible for them .so my this blog for the people who are trying to achieve their goals and want to become a successful person .

what people think about success ? 

people generally thinks that success is so long term process and there is possibility  of failure too 50 % of people just declined it by think like this and other 25 % want to make any short cut way for  becoming successful . for those people , i only want to say that be passionate in your work , one day you will sure get it . other 25% people in the world  are continuing their work either they get the success or not but it is worthless unless you have not fixed your Goals.

how to get it ?

  Be straight that i want to do this particular thing , then fix your Goal .after fixing your Goal take several assumptions and take some time interval in your goals that this particular thing should be done in this particular time period .it is called planning .after it Analyze your work with the time .The benefit of analyzing is only that you will get to know that what to do ? and what to not ?

After analyzing divide your work into a task that you have to complete it no matters what the harder situation is .it is called dedication .but the most important factor is passion .you have to be passionate about your work .success is required not only passion but the continues effort too.if u get it and you stop your effort then it is worthless .

if u get failure then don't be silly, just analyze your work and find out the errors and Re-plan  whole the work but never give up ,at least you are trying to achieve it rather than give up  .keep going on your work one day you will sure get it .

Friday, July 22, 2016

Make Your Love Fresh rather than Stress....

Love is the world's wonderful feeling that every person feels at least one time in  their entire life. love is the ability to understand the person better than anyone . if true love is exist between two person then this ability is automatically develop but if there are any intentions taking place then this love feelings are worst feeling and it gives lesson to both .But now a days love is considering in Curse Factor because of Intentions , getting Used and so more. Your love is not showoff that you make it fun and trying to suppress it but try to get the touch in it .if someone really loves you then no matter how in worst situation they are but they always ready to help you and stands for you. Respect that people because you are so lucky to having them .

To make your love happy and make the strong bond the following steps we have to must remember
1). Understand each other
2). To be conscious and sincere about relationship
3). remember to wish everyday
4). share your ideas and thoughts
5). talk  about your happiness and stress part of the day
6).Arrange meeting to spend some time and to clear the misunderstandings..

Don't feel them that if they are or not in your life ,you don't care about it but feel them whatever the friends i have but you are always and will best for me .never hide your feelings because it may one day obviously harm you . new friends are for sometime but having your love  is always blessing because your friends are only be the reason in your enjoyment but your love is the always who makes  effort to make you successful and happy .sometimes people who with you never gives you real happiness than the people who is at 1000 miles away from you.

 Basically to understand the  partner is main factor of love .both have to understand each other in relationship because without understanding both are Seems like Calf who knows that we are lovers but shows that we are just friends .if some left their family ,friends and work only for you at particular time then never let go that person from your life because this type of person's value you understand late but it is so late to tell them three magical words. If you have such a good love then never give and stay them stress but always bring happiness and smile on their face ...

Thursday, June 30, 2016

List of best websites of engineering that students must should know

Here is the list of websites :
  1. NPTEL
  2. IEEE
  3. DIY How To Make Instructions
  5. Download free eBooks at Download free eBooks at
  6. Download NCERT Text Books and CBSE Books
  7. Read Hindi, Gujarati and Tamil Stories, Poems and Books
  9. eChai Ventures — gSchool — A School of doing good things
  10. Calculate Website Traffic Worth, Revenue and Pageviews with SiteWorthTraffic
  11. Freelancer - Hire & Find Jobs
  12. Internships in India | Internshala
  15. Build Electronic Circuits - Electronics explained in a simple way
  16. Technology, Engineering, and Science News
  17. IEEE Xplore Digital Library
  19. Tech News, Reviews, Latest Gadgets & Technology News, Mobile, Tablet, Laptop, Gaming, Tech, Photos, Videos: NDTV
  44. http://www.arvindguptato
  47. http://www.sciencefairadventure....
  50. Khan Academy
 52. Pinterest
Here I am not writing some most common websites like Facebook, Wikipedia etc. You should also consider such most helpful websites